- Networking is a very powerful tool to use to gain new clients. There are several ways to network.
A. Networking groups such as Biz to Biz inc. or a chamber group can help you develop relationships within the community and spread the word on what your services and products are that you offer. My business grew 20% just from one Biz to Biz networking group alone.
B. Joining your a local community group is another great way to network. For example if you work in a downtown area. Join a downtown group of business’ that help the community and each other grow. It is a great way to meet local business owners and their teams. They are also great business’ to collaborate and cross promote with.
C. Local expos or non profit groups looking for business’ to sponsor a table or a spot in their event. This is a great way to get your name out and a chance for people to learn about who you are, what you do, and a great way to give back.
- Marketing is a must. You are sure to gain new clients If you market yourself or your business. There are many different ways to market, including social media, e-marketing, posting and handing out literature on your services, products, specials, and valuable education tools. It is very important that you have a strong marketing area and are keeping up on it for it to receive the best success.
A. Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google Plus, are great resources to spread the word or information of value on your services or products.
B. E-Marketing newsletters, special offers or an article that pertains information of value to your current clients or guests is a great way to gain new clients. Here’s how…If you ask them to pass it on to people they know, it generates a lot of publicity on your business, and the best part is that it’s free. You can incorporate a contest with them. Example; If they pass it along to someone they know their name gets entered to win something. It could either be a product or service you offer, or something you have cross promoted with another local business on their products or services. Developing a tracking system as proof of them passing it along and you can potentially gain new client information this way as well, depending on the situation.
C. Posting and handing out literature within your business or to local networking groups or community groups you are part of could be very helpful. Whether it’s a referral program you have, a special on services or products you are offering or a event you are hosting. Encourage your guests to invite people they know and reward them by offering them an incentive if they do.
- Customer Service Experience is a great way for your current guests or clients to spread the word about you. If you have a new guest or client and blow them away with your customer service you deliver to them, they are highly likely to return and also tell people they know about you as well.
A. Wow your guests with the way they are treated when they are in your business.
B. Make it about them. Keep conversation about them or information that pertains to their service or product. They came in because it’s something they wanted or needed.
C. Be consistent. Make their great customer service experience consistent. Consistency is key to retention. You would hate to do all the work of getting a new client and then lose them due to inconsistency.